Welcome to the PTC Education Key Collaborator Newsletter  

We hope everyone is staying safe and having a great start to the Spring semester. The PTC Education Advanced Technology Team is excited to continue growing this awesome community of thought leaders by sharing the work being done around the world and developing integrations between technologies to help you push the envelope of digital transformation in research and teaching. 

Please reach out to us at EduTech@ptc.com with any questions, or if you would like to share opportunities for collaborations in this newsletter. If you did not receive this letter directly, please complete this form to be added to the mailing list. 
Webinar Series
The second webinar of the semester will take place on February 22th at 9am EDT with a talk from Dr. Alison Olechowski about new ways of doing collaborative design in CAD. You can join the webinar with this link. Recordings of all past webinars can be found on this page.
Please reach out if you would like to share any announcements or recruit research partners through PTC’s academic collaborator network. 
Key Collaborator Highlight
Researchers from the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee have been developing a tele-rehabilitation operation in which a therapist can administer care remotely using a robot arm. Using ThingWorx to collect and send real time information about the state of the robot arm, they connect to Ansys Twin Builder to develop a reduced order model of the robot's operation, and use Vuforia Studio to develop an AR experience for the remote therapist. Click here to see more information about the project. Learn more by clicking here.
Education Student Research Associate Program 
Advanced Technology Highlight 
PTC Education’s Student Research Associates have continued working with Vuforia Spatial Toolbox to demonstrate the potential of spatial computing in research and teaching. This demonstration shows an Allen-Bradley Micro850 PLC, connected to the toolbox with Kepware, controlling an AR traffic light indicator with its ladder logic program. With spatial computing, the motion of a LEGO Spike Prime robot can be programmed to follow the current state of the PLC. Watch their video here!
Intern Highlight 
Teo Patrosio is a student at Tufts University studying Computer Science. When asked what they have learned as a Student Research Associate, Teo said, “During my time with PTC, I’ve been able to very freely and open-endedly explore new technologies with a business goal in mind which is very different from academia. I have also enjoyed the experience of being on a team where everyone has completely different backgrounds and experience, where in college classes people are generally the same age and are studying very similar things.” 
We are hiring! The Education Advanced Technologies Team will be hiring Student Research Associates for the Summer from May through July. Please reach out if you have any students who may be interested in applying for the internship. Students can review the job description and apply directly to the postiion here.
PTC Resources and Product Announcements 
You can find a collection of publicly available resources on digital transformation technologies on this GitHub page. We will share updated resources in this newsletter as they are added. Please let us know what other supports you would like to help in your digital transformation journey. 

Check out the new features included in the latest release of Onshape.
Please reach out if you would like to share any announcements or recruit research partners through PTC’s academic collaborator network.